Monday, April 17, 2017

To doubt or not to doubt, that is the..........

Good morning,

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. I have to admit (not sure Ashley would agree) that this weekend was one of the more relaxing, stress weekends I have had in a while. For myself "stress free" might be a little different then some of you, or maybe you go through the same thing.

Stress free for me isn't about having nothing to worry about, taking a 4 hour nap, or even just doing what I want. Stress free for me is more about not getting frustrated by small things. Not getting agitated by too much noise or too many activities happening around me at once. It was sitting and enjoying my kid’s soccer games, sharing a meal with my family, playing legos with the little guy, going to church, and even mowing the lawn and fixing sprinklers. It was having a sense of calm and thankfulness.

I have been torn over the weekend about writing about this, but the whole point of this blog is share my thoughts and what I personally experience. So here we go. 👍

With Easter happening over the weekend I thought this is as good of time as any to share some insight as to what, and how, my relationship with God is. I have spent a little over 20 years not believing in God. I was definitely on the side of science. I wasn't against religion, I did feel it had its place in society, but it was for people who might need a little more help to be a good person.

August 30th, 2015 that stance on religion changed. I attended church by myself. I sat in the back row (as I am sure most new people to church do) and I sat and listened. During the sermon the Pastor for some reason just took a right hand turn and started talking about Genesis. It wasn't part of the intended sermon. It actually had nothing to do with the topic. He just felt God told him someone here needed to hear about how everything started. How there was an explanation for the questions someone was having. At that moment I believed. With the mindset of someone who believed in science and reason, everything had a logical explanation. In this case there wasn't a logical explanation. There wasn't a reason he would do that. At first I thought well maybe he does this every Sunday. I continued to attend this church and for over a year and half, it never happened again. So week after week, month after month, I believed more and more.

So this sounds like a common "saved" experience and I would agree. Someone comes to church and hear God's calling. Then over time they start to experience God more in their life. You start building a relationship with God. Now here comes the twist. Here comes the my relationship God part.

I don't want to say everyone with manic/bipolar tendencies feels or reacts this way, but for me this what happens. Not just this time, but with almost situations. As I found God, it made is easier for me to be right in my own mind. The thoughts of being right and knowing it no matter what the world felt, took on a new meaning. I was right and I didn't care what the world though, AND I heard it from God. Hard to argue with me now world!!! That is how it is when you have a swing to a high. You are on top of the world and you are so sure of everything and full of yourself.

Looking back on my walk with God over the last year and a half, there are a lot of questions running through my head. Not questions about my faith, but what I heard. Did I hear it? Was it God? Was it me convincing myself? Some of things I heard from "God" happened, and some crashed down to earth. Once I realized and had a better understanding of what I do and who I am during those high times, the doubt sets in.

Once I leveled back out again, I started reflecting on things. I could see where God, at times, was a tool for me during that high. A tool to prove my point. Seeing that, and understanding that you might think its good and will help, but quite the contrary. With self awareness comes more questions, more doubt. With every decision there is hesitation. Is this God I am hearing? I know the mistakes I made, and I certainly don't want to repeat them. So now it is even harder to have that relationship with God. Its's like living with a compulsive liar, but in this case I am the liar. A liar to myself. Well at least I was, so now I question myself. When I hear what I think is God, am I just lying to myself?

It's difficult struggle as I continue my relationship with God. Everyday comes new questions and wonders. To anyone who might be feeling something like this my only suggestion is to pray. Really PRAY!!! I can't say that enough. Pray!!!  You may still question what you are hearing, but praying brings a sense of peace. For myself, if I pray and continue to pray the better the outcome. The longer I take to pray and reflect on the issue, the better the outcome tends to be.

I do hope everyone had an amazing weekend and Easter. Thank you for stopping by. If you have any feedback or comments, feel free to comment or send a note via the comment option on the right.

Have a great week everyone.

Don't look out only for your own interest, but take an interest in others, too. 

Philippians 2:3

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